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6 Audio CD Disc Set
Duration: 6 hours 10 minutes
Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D.
Although this workshop covered many aspects of the Course's approach to psychotherapy, its principal focus was on therapists learning not to judge their patients—the basis for healing. Thus therapists demonstrate their right-minded choice for forgiveness instead of judgment, reinforcing the power of the patient's mind to make the same choice. The emphasis of therapy, therefore, shifts from the symptoms to their underlying cause—the decision to be separate, born of the fear of love. Without judgment to block remembrance, this love naturally extends throughout the mind, proclaiming the healing of both therapist and patient.
It is in the instant that the therapist forgets to judge the patient that healing occurs.
Original Workshop Date: 05/2005
Original Release Date: 01/2006
ISBN: 978-1-59142-230-3
SKU: CD120