Love: Dark Night and Living Flame and The Glory of the Infinite [BOOK]

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Love: Dark Night and Living Flame

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The Glory of the Infinite

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Paperback Book
First Edition. 162 pages. 

Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D.

Edited transcripts from a one-day Workshop, Love: Dark Night and Living Flame, and a Seminar, The Glory of the Infinite, are combined in this book.

Love: Dark Night and Living Flame draws upon the inspired poetry of St. John of the Cross and Helen Schucman. The workshop depicts our spiritual journey from the despair of darkness to the hope-filled light of love's presence. As Jesus is the central figure on this path, we observe our projections onto him, recognizing that our guilt and anger are but thin veils that cannot truly hide our burning love for him. He is indeed our Lord, our Love, our Life.

The focus of the The Glory of the Infinite is on the contrast of the ego's gore of the finite with Heaven's glory of the infinite. Emphasis is placed on Jesus' role in helping us bridge the seeming gap between the two. Our fear of the infinite and our glorious Self leads to embracing the ego's finite existence, accepting its gifts of fear and hate instead of God's gifts of love and peace. In the end, however, the attraction of love for love is too strong, and we cannot help but hear our Father's Voice calling us to return to His Love and be at peace at last.

The edited transcripts are not verbatim to the edited audio recordings of the same titles.

Original Release Date: 03/2025
ISBN: 978-1-59142-961-6
SKU: B47