"Cast No One Out": Making It about Them [MP3]

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Duration: 15 hours 7 minutes
Download Size: 466 MB

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Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D.
PLEASE NOTE: This program also includes "Guilt versus Remorse" (CD/3m166dl)
This set includes two seminars (“The Mockery of Salvation” and “Guilt versus Remorse”) and two academy classes (“Cast No One Out” and “Into His Presence Would I Enter Now”). Common themes ran through all of these programs; hence this combined set. Most important of these themes is make it about them, a phrase that reflects the Course teaching that we enter Heaven “together, or not at all.” In other words, we are to be thinking of others instead of our neediness, setting our specialness aside. Thus, by making a relationship or situation about another instead of our­selves, we are truly making it about us—God’s one Son. Looking back on our past mistakes of selfishness, we learn that guilt retains the past, ensuring its continuation into the future, while remorse lets the past go by our minds choosing differently in the present. This is the choice for the teacher of kindness (shared interests) instead of unkindness (separate interests).

Holiness must be shared, for therein lies everything that makes it holy. Come gladly to the holy circle [of Atonement], and look out in peace on all who think they are outside. Cast no one out, for here is what he seeks along with you. Come, let us join him in the holy place of peace which is for all of us, united as one within the Cause of peace.


Original Workshop Date: 08/2010–09/2010
Original Release Date: 05/2011
SKU: 3m167dl