It would seem to go without saying that we all want peace. Yet do we? A Course in Miracles, in many passages, challenges that assumption. The peace we want is usually conditional, that is, it depends on people, things, and situations being a certain way. The Course in contrast offers us a peace that is completely unconditional, available now and always, regardless of time, place, or circumstance. But for that to be our experience, we need to recognize all the many ways we in fact seek to sabotage our true peace. One of the clearest, most powerful, and most extensive discussions of the many ways we keep peace at bay can be found in "The Obstacles to Peace," a major part of Chapter 19 in the text. These sections are especially challenging in their assertion that we actually find guilt, pain, and even death attractive, at least unconsciously. Because of the theme's central importance to the Course's study and practice, Kenneth has returned to it over and over again across the years, devoting entire programs and books to these sections. For September, we are featuring two publications focused on these sections.